Thursday, July 30, 2009

free things in cp

there are always three free things in cp and those things are:friend ship bracelets,the captains quarters key,and the weekly hidden pin.

sure,fining the hidden pin is easy but where do u find the other things?

follow those simple steps to find the friend ship bracelet

1.go to the book room at the top of the coffee shop.
2.look at your right hand side and click the book. on the book"rockhopper and the stowaway.
4.go to the back of the book. on the friend ship bracelet to get it.

how to get the key to the captions quarters

1.go to the book room [to of the coffee shop.]
2.look at your right hand side and click on the book. on the book "the journal of captain roockhopper.
4.flip to the last page. on the key.
waddle on!

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