Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Okay, I'm going to quit Club Penguin until i get my membership back (IF i ever get it back, that is :( ) so i won't be posting anything new until then, Sorry... :(

Haven't been on for a while...

i haven't been making any new posts lately because i quit my membership, and theres not much to do when you're not a member, its almost like club penguin is trying to get you to pay for the membership so they can earn money out of it (No offense to members) I mean, you should at least get to wear your outfits and decorate your iggy, its totally not fair, WHO'S WITH ME??!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

New accounts!!

I've got some new accounts 2 share with u!

user: sport6
pass: sport (no caps)

don't bann this cuz it's gonna become a member next month

remember, only, ONLY losers bann penguins

waddle on!